Big Trouble in Little China 35th Anniversary Fan Xperiences!
Fan Photo Xperience
Big Trouble Fans take a Big Troble Photo Xperience Snapshot, Boomerang and or GIF below and show your support for the Big Trouble in Little China 35th Anniversary Celebration! Share with your friends on Social Media and to our Event Page and encourage them to join us Live on Saturday, November 13th at 5pm PST, 8pm EST for the Big Trouble 35th Panel on Facebook and Watch Party on Sunday November 14th at 5pm PST, 8pm EST!
*Click the QR Code or Link to take the photo on your own device! |
Big Trouble 35th Cosplay Contest
This is the only place that you can get into Big Trouble and it will pay off! Take a Big Trouble in Little China 35th Annivesary Photo, Boomerang and GIF in your favorite Big Trouble Cosplay and be eligible to win a Big Trouble in Little China, Blu-Ray, Board Game, and other memorabilia. Contest is open Now through November 17 and will be judged live on Saturday November 20th at 5pm EST!
Share your photos on Social Media and to our Event Page *Click the QR Code or Link to take the photo on your own device! |
Big Trouble in Little China 35th Anniversary Fan Xperiences!
Panel Live tonight at 8 pm EST
Big Trouble 35th Watch Party with Peter Kwong
Lightning Fan Xperience with James Pax
Big Trouble 35th 3D-VR Xperience
Rain Fan Xperience with Peter Kwong